All Posts Tagged With: "SNL"

McCain on ‘Saturday Night Live’
By Michael Cooper Live from New York, it was Senator John McCain, saying that he was thinking of some radically different strategies for the last three days of the presidential race. “I thought I might try a strategy called the Reverse Maverick,’’ Mr. McCain told his interviewer. “That’s where I do whatever anybody tells me. […]
2Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on McCain on ‘Saturday Night Live’ | Continued
Cable Talking Head Conundrum
We find ourselves in a technological quandry. This writer is an amateur politica junkie (is that an oxy moron), or just moronic? Does Oxy imply a clean moron? No matter – today we find ourselves struggling to find real news and intelligent commentary on the cable ‘news’ channels. Wolf Blitzer is just a bore, welcome […]
2Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Cable Talking Head Conundrum | Continued
Sarah Palin on SNL with Tina Fey
Sarah Palin jumped on the bandwagon, again. She is pretty good at riding the waves of others. Either Sarah Palin is a good sport – or she just does not get the point.
19Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Sarah Palin on SNL with Tina Fey | Continued
SNL opens with Hillary Clinton
Saturday Night Live is back after the writer’s strike. What might have been trough this primary season we can only imagine – but the show is in full swing and Hillary Clinton opened the show last night…. Enjoy..
2Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on SNL opens with Hillary Clinton | Continued
Mike Huckabee on SNL
Son, I don’t know what Mike Huckabee is trying to accomplish. He has certainly become a national figure – but…. What I one say – he has a good sense of humor, if not a good sense of politics… [wp_youtube]xvSXpM5qGmg[/wp_youtube] I watched this clip with mixed feelings. This is a former Governor, a good man […]
24Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Mike Huckabee on SNL | Continued