All Posts Tagged With: "society"

A Personal Fight With Social Injustice
Most of my adult life people have treated me as if I am particularly intelligent. Some have openly called me intellectual. My thought was usually that they were mistaken, that I am well read and speak well. When I take a shower and dress in a suit I present pretty well. I did not receive […]
5Dec2013 | Gary Clark | 3 comments | Continued
The Changing Face of Etiquette
As we, our culture, are catered to by technology and the marketing machine, we begin to feel more entitled to the things that we consume and the benefits of our service industry. The idea of serving others is lost on those who become complacent with being served themselves.
20Jan2009 | bryan | Comments Off on The Changing Face of Etiquette | Continued
The Counter Culture Personality
I recognize that there is an inherent selfishness in many of the current social movements. Coordinating efforts to reduce waste and to organize distribution to the needy are certainly valuable, and could be more effective in reducing waste and assisting the needy than digging through the trash. Sometimes, though, it is our individualism, maybe even […]
12Dec2008 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued
The Staying Power of Hannah Montana – and Miley Cyrus
I have written before that I know more about 1521 C.E. Europe than I do about pop culture in America today. But this magazine of ours has prompted me to look around. I even wrote a post on Lindsay Lohan. Hannah Montana’s name came up recently because she was selling out a concert in Kansas […]
11Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Belonging in the Lower Class
As we grow up from a child to adult, we are always looking to be a part of something. We are constantly in search of whom we are and our purpose. Throughout our adolescence we play sports, participate in the band, or other school activities. As we mature the path becomes more precise. Our experiences […]
10Oct2008 | Cole James | 1 comment | Continued
Ethics In Journalism – Be Accountable
Blogging is unique in the world of Journalism. Blogging is working on the edge of the cliff. The Fireside Post began as a blog and evolved into an internet magazine. We have kept some qualities of the ‘blogs’ that we deemed worthy. Most notably in the area of accountability. We are accountable to our readers. […]
6Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics In Journalism – Be Accountable | Continued
Ethics in Journalism – Act Independently
Is Opinion different than reporting news – certainly. The Fireside Post is all about opinion – and we clarify our bias in “Who Are These Guys.” In terms of ‘acting independently’ we are the champions. We have no affiliations other than the United Methodist Church – and only one of us participates there. What might […]
6Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics in Journalism – Act Independently | Continued
Born in the USA – Is Springsteen anti-war? (video)
We present here the lyrics and a video of Bruce Springsteen performing ‘Born In The U.S.A.’ Here is the question – is this anti-war, anti-American, anti-insanity? This writer believes Springsteen is following the tradition of historically great artists. His art reflects the conditions of society at a given time. Art lives in history as a […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Born in the USA – Is Springsteen anti-war? (video) | Continued
Ethics In Journalism – Minimize Harm
Journalism on the internet has corrupted the world of reporting. The Fireside Post is an opinion magazine, with our bias clearly stated in “Who Are These Guys.” Even admitting we are about opinion does not excuse us from having some ethical boundaries. This is the second post in a series examining journalistic ethics. We will […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics In Journalism – Minimize Harm | Continued
Ethics in Journalism – Seek Truth
The internet has thrown the world of journalism off balance. The reality today is that anyone can be their own publisher and editor. The Society of Professional Journalists have a code of ethics. These ethics are the definition of right and wrong in reporting news. The Fireside Post is doing a series on ethics in […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ethics in Journalism – Seek Truth | Continued
Pandemics: Colds, The Flu, and Individualism
Dad, The cold and flu season is in full swing, and my family and I are in the thick of it. My daughter has ear infections in both ears, I have a sinus infection, my son is coughing and sniffling, and my wife is congested but is limited in the medicines she can take because […]
26Feb2008 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued
Fear Must Not Choose a President
Son, When Benizir Bhutto was assassinated the entire world reacted. When the planes struck on 9/11 our government reacted. We Americans are again afraid. The moment we heard of the assassination all of us took two steps to the political right. Decisions made out of fear are not generally good decisions. But fear cannot be […]
28Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Fear Must Not Choose a President | Continued
Comments on Courage
Courage is not acting blindly – without regard to consequences. Courage is action on behalf of conviction – even knowing the consequences may be painful. We see courage in our everyday lives – people regularly sacrifice something of themselves for a higher cause.
7Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Comments on Courage | Continued