All Posts Tagged With: "South Carolina"

Video – Obama South Carolina Victory Speech
Son, This man could stand on the stage with Abraham Lincoln. Watch for yourself. [wp_youtube]RQcMNhCr4WU[/wp_youtube] Dad
27Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Video – Obama South Carolina Victory Speech | Continued
Obama speech in South Carolina.
Son, I was able to capture some of Obama’s words. There is no way I could capture the power. Mr. Obama has the oratory skills of Abraham Lincoln. The depth of his intellect is inspiring – This man is the real deal. Here is some of what he said: “Where we are met with cynicism […]
27Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Obama South Carolina Slide Show – powerful!
Son, I know that you caucused for Obama in Iowa. You should be proud. This man is sweeping the nation with the Audacity of Hope. This is not just a title of a book. This man is real and people are seeing his power. Caroline Kennedy is endorsing Obama tomorrow with an op-ed that is […]
27Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama South Carolina Slide Show – powerful! | Continued
Obama has the national Delegate lead
Son, This South Carolina primary election is really big. The Obama campaign was hoping to win up to 20 of the 45 delegates available in South Carolina. It looks like they will round up over 25 delegates. Obama already had a couple of delegates lead over Clinton. This clearly puts Obama in the driver’s seat. […]
27Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama has the national Delegate lead | Continued
Obama Wins South Carolina- AP says Rout!
Son, This is a big day in American Politics. Barack Obama has won the South Carolina Democratic Primary. The Associated Press is calling this victory a rout. The white vote split three ways with Obama, Clinton, and Edwards. What can this mean? Obama continues to show strength. He seemed to lose some steam after Iowa […]
27Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Matthews and Russert – Laurel and Hardy
Son, Chris Matthews and Tim Russert remind me of the original comedy team of Laurel and Hardy. Russert does not like to do heavy lifting – so he asks questions about driver’s licenses and race and gender. At a recent round table discussion Russert said something about women voters – a female panelist responded that […]
26Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Matthews and Russert – Laurel and Hardy | Continued