All Posts Tagged With: "State of the Union"

Kelly Ann Conway on Domestic Violence
Kelly Ann Conway, some sort of advisor to the President of the United States, was on CNN this morning. She was present on the set of State of The Union with Jake Tapper. A little back story – A Presidential aid, Rob Porter, has been accused by two ex-wives of domestic violence. He denied the […]
11Feb2018 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continued
Partisanship – Conflicting Opinions or Theological Hatred?
Churchill negotiated a settlement in a Catholic/Protestant Ireland in the 1920’s. He later said that he knew he had been fair because neither party was happy with the results. It seems to us that we can know President Obama has been fair and non-partisan because both the left and the right are protesting his policies.
28Jan2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Partisanship – Conflicting Opinions or Theological Hatred? | Continued
Obama responds to the State of the Union
Dad, I am excited about Obama and I believe in his message. I recieve email from his campaign and keep up with his movements and videos on his website. Here se is discussing the State of the Union Address: [wp_youtube]cmNCALGHOC4[/wp_youtube] Bryan. Son, I just listened to Obama’s response. I find him refreshing. While President Bush […]
30Jan2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Obama responds to the State of the Union | Continued
Bush – SOTU – no call for sacrifice – no hope
Son, One of the problems these past seven years is that the American public has not been asked to directly suffer to rigors of war. There is indirect suffering – blamed on the Democrats. Bush gave his State of Denial. The President gave a list of highlights of his Presidency with the same set of […]
29Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bush – SOTU – no call for sacrifice – no hope | Continued
President Bush – State of the Union – 1-28-08
Tonight is the final State of the Union address by President George W. Bush. The speech is on. President Bush began with recounting seven years of turmoil and debate, calling on the Congress for unity in Government. Bush calls on the Congress to make tax relief permanent. If any bills to raise taxes reach my […]
29Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued