All Posts Tagged With: "strategy"

Limbaugh Republican Political Strategy Fails
One year has passed. Barack Obama is President. The Patron Saint of Republicans is Rush Limbaugh – and Rush Limbaugh called for the failure of the new President. The strategy was simple minded – block every legislative effort, force failure, then recapture the Congress in 2010, then the Presidency in 2012. The passage of the […]
23Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Obama South Carolina Slide Show – powerful!
Son, I know that you caucused for Obama in Iowa. You should be proud. This man is sweeping the nation with the Audacity of Hope. This is not just a title of a book. This man is real and people are seeing his power. Caroline Kennedy is endorsing Obama tomorrow with an op-ed that is […]
27Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama South Carolina Slide Show – powerful! | Continued