All Posts Tagged With: "supply"

Economic Illiteracy
Illiteracy. Generally we think of this word in terms of simple reading and writing. Some have changed the phraseology to ‘functional illiteracy.’ I suppose this means that a person knows the alphabet, can discern some words, and can perhaps sign their name. People are ‘functionally illiterate’ when their comprehension of reading impairs their ability to function in a complex society. If we apply this axiom to our economy, we might easily conclude that most of us are economically functionally illiterate.
27Jan2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Why Government Management of Auto Companies Will Not Work
The advocates of government intervention in our lives are having a great time. They are advocating the regulation of banking, which seems to be smart in light of recent revelations about banking management. And they are advocating dictates of management for the auto industry, this is not nearly as smart as they think. History for […]
10Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued