All Posts Tagged With: "Swamp"

Does Obama err by leaning on Lincoln?
Then Sen. Barack Obama at the dedication of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, Ill., April 2005. (Chicago Tribune photo by Pete Souza.) by Frank James President-elect Barack Obama really has a thing for Abraham Lincoln. The latest manifestation of what appears to be his Lincoln envy is the way Obama intends on […]
16Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Does Obama err by leaning on Lincoln? | Continued
A 4.5 percent mortgage for all?
by Frank James Who wouldn’t want one of those 4.5 percent mortgages that are now being considered as a way to revive the economy? Sign me up. But there’s evidently some disagreement about whether such mortgages would be available to those who would be refinancing, like me, or available only to those purchasing a home. […]
4Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on A 4.5 percent mortgage for all? | Continued
Michelle Obama geneaology off-limits
A surviving shack along road once known as Slave Street on a South Carolina plantation. Michelle Obama’s great-great-grandfather, who was born around 1850, lived as a slave, at least until the Civil War, on the sprawling rice plantation. (Tribune photo by Alex Garcia / November 22, 2008) by Frank James Michelle Obama’s roots can be […]
1Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Michelle Obama geneaology off-limits | Continued
Obama’s confidence-rating: High, steady
by Mark Silva Perhaps it is the alacrity with which President-elect Barack Obama has set about assembling a Cabinet and army of advisers – an economic team named this week, defense coming next week. Or perhaps it is the expertise of the nominees – with a “towering” economic team that includes the six-foot-seven Paul Volcker, […]
29Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama’s confidence-rating: High, steady | Continued
President-elect: ‘You can call me Barack’
Posted November 26, 2008 5:15 PM Veronica Lewis bows for President-elect Barack Obama, and his family, from left, Michelle Obama, daughters Sasha, 7, (hidden) Malia, 10, distributing Thanksgiving turkeys at the food bank at St. Columbanus Catholic Church on the South Side of Chicago today. (AP Photo by Pablo Martinez by Mark Silva On the […]
27Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on President-elect: ‘You can call me Barack’ | Continued
Happy Thanksgiving: Charity shrinking
by William Neikirk Happy holidays, folks, and here’s some news. Citing the economic crisis, corporate America is cutting back on its charitable giving because of the economic crisis. The Wall Street Journal told us so on Tuesday. The publication is superior in reflecting board-room sentiment across America. But valuable inferences can be gathered from this […]
27Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving: Charity shrinking | Continued
Thanksgiving Camp David-style
by Mark Silva Free-Range Roast Turkey. Cornbread Dressing. Cranberry Sauce. Sautéed Green Beans Morelia Style Gazpacho with Spinach Salad. It’s the Gazpacho that gives it away: These are the fixin’s for the Thanksgiving table today at Camp David, where President Bush has retreated with his family for the holiday. An overcast, wintry pall settled over […]
27Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Thanksgiving Camp David-style | Continued
Bailouts for white, not blue collars?
by Frank James Have the federal bailouts been biased towards white-collar and against blue-collar workers? That question was starkly raised by Rep. Barney Frank, chair of the House Financial Services Committee, which yesterday heard the chief executives of the Big Three automakers beseech Congress for $25 billion in taxpayer-funded loans. Frank, the committee’s chair, said: […]
20Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bailouts for white, not blue collars? | Continued
White House: Blame Dems if no Big 3 help
by Frank James The White House is trying to shift blame to congressional Democrats if the auto industry doesn’t get the financial bailout it’s seeking, saying Democrats appear unwilling to loosen restrictions on $25 billion that’s already been approved to help the industry retool to make their vehicles more fuel efficient. White House spokeswoman Dana […]
19Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on White House: Blame Dems if no Big 3 help | Continued
Obama, like Lincoln, ditches ideology
by Frank James Liberal supporters of President-elect Barack Obama’s who thought he was one of them should ready themselves, for they are about to be Greeleyed. Horace Greeley, for those who don’t or remember know their history, was the stridently abolitionist editor of the New York Tribune who in August 1862 wrote an open letter […]
17Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Hillary Clinton ‘outstanding:’ Kissinger
by Mark Silva They don’t call Henry Kissinger a seasoned diplomat for nothing. The former secretary of state and veteran of Republican administrations said today that Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, under consideration for secretary of state in the administration of Democratic President-elect Barack Obama, would make “an outstanding appointment” and display “great courage” […]
16Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Hillary Clinton ‘outstanding:’ Kissinger | Continued
Obama election spurs gun sales
by Frank James When President-elect Obama was campaigning and talking about change, he probably wasn’t thinking of this kind of change: people going on a gun-buying spree in reaction to his election. Here’s an excerpt from our colleague Howard Witt’s report today: HOUSTON — A week after the election of Barack Obama, gun buyers across […]
12Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama election spurs gun sales | Continued
Sarah Palin: Obama articulated change
Posted November 11, 2008 9:45 AM by Mark Silva The view from Sarah Palin’s kitchen: She would have been happy to speak out for herself more during the presidential campaign. President-elect Barack Obama did “a great job” of speaking for himself, the Republican Party’s vice presidential nominee said in an interview with Matt Lauer of […]
11Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Sarah Palin: Obama articulated change | Continued
Veterans Day, 2008
Posted November 11, 2008 11:34 AM Veterans aboard the former warship Olympia, now a museum, salute the United States flag during a Veterans Day ceremony in Philadelphia, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2008. The Olympia served in the Spanish-American War. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) by Frank James To all the veterans out there, thanks for your service and […]
11Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Veterans Day, 2008 | Continued
Rahm Emanuel: Middle-class tax-cut near
by Mark Silva Rep. Rahm Emanuel, President-elect Barack Obama’s designated chief of staff, asked how his reputation for rough, partisan political warfare will square with his role in the new president’s White House, promised that Obama will set a bipartisan “tone.” Obama also is intent on delivering tax relief for the middle-class, Emanuel said today, […]
9Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Rahm Emanuel: Middle-class tax-cut near | Continued
Obama’s aides: Race not their question
by Mark Silva President-elect Barack Obama’s closest campaign advisers suggest that one of their successes was not becoming obsessed with any question of race, CBS News’ 60 Minutes will report Sunday evening. “Not getting obsessed about Barack Obama’s race was one of the secrets” of a campaign that will deliver the first African American president […]
7Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama’s aides: Race not their question | Continued
McCain campaign fought the last war
by Frank James The autopsies of Sen. John McCain’s failed presidential bid continue to roll in. This morning, National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” aired an interview with John Weaver, a former McCain strategist who left the campaign last year when the Republican presidential nominee’s campaign first imploded during the primaries. Among the McCain campaign’s mistakes, […]
6Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on McCain campaign fought the last war | Continued
The McCain hijacking: A commentary
by Dick Batchelor One of the two major candidates for president has been kidnapped. The victim went along willingly, without a murmur of protest. He’ll remain a hostage on Election Day. You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to find him, and it’s no mystery. The victim is in plain sight: It’s John McCain. The […]
1Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The McCain hijacking: A commentary | Continued
Partisan pollsters disagree on WH race
by Frank James There’s been a good back and forth this week between Democratic and Republican pollsters. Stan Greenberg of Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner, a Democratic pollster, sent out his own analysis of the presidential race this afternoon, to counter one distributed earlier in the week by Bill McInturff, official pollster for Sen. John McCain’s campaign. […]
30Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Partisan pollsters disagree on WH race | Continued