All Posts Tagged With: "talk radio"

Limbaugh speaks in tongues with Copeland
Son, I will let the video speak for itself. [wp_youtube]ixOr_bT0mOk[/wp_youtube] What do you suppose those guys were laughing about? How would this play on talk radio? Dad
8Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Limbaugh speaks in tongues with Copeland | Continued
Huckabee uspsets the apple cart
Son, The conservative talk radio jabber has been all about how McCain is not conservative enough. Vote for Romney they said. Wee – their strategy is only half working. The conservative voters are supporting Huckabee. If the trends continue we will have a three man race in the Republican Party. I am happy for […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Huckabee uspsets the apple cart | Continued