All Posts Tagged With: "tax cuts"

Finding John McCain
The Presidential race of 2008 is arguably the most anticipated race in history. The economy is weak, we are torn over the war in Iraq, health care has diminished, the unemployment rate is up, and America’s 40 hour workers are scared. Through democracy America has chosen 2 people they feel best to lead this country […]
16Oct2008 | Cole James | 2 comments | Continued
Obama responds to the State of the Union
Dad, I am excited about Obama and I believe in his message. I recieve email from his campaign and keep up with his movements and videos on his website. Here se is discussing the State of the Union Address: [wp_youtube]cmNCALGHOC4[/wp_youtube] Bryan. Son, I just listened to Obama’s response. I find him refreshing. While President Bush […]
30Jan2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Obama responds to the State of the Union | Continued