All Posts Tagged With: "tea baggers"

The Romantic Tax Protest – Where Is Zorro When You Need Him
The romantic hero, the person who fights the establishment, the archetype who defends the poor, who fights the tax collector, steals from the rich to give to the poor – Where is Zorro when you need him? Where are Robin Hood, The Three Musketeers, and Jesus – all great heroes who challenged the established norm? […]
14Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Romantic Tax Protest – Where Is Zorro When You Need Him | Continued
Racists and Birthers Are Not Just Dim-Witted Rednecks
In 1776 immigration was unchecked in the American colonies. The people living here decided to form their own government and bypass the King’s tax man. Those folks wrote some rules that defined our form of Government and who was eligible to hold office. The President had to be a natural born citizen – meaning that […]
1Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Racists and Birthers Are Not Just Dim-Witted Rednecks | Continued
Tea Bag Protesters Encouraged by GOP Representatives
Warning to readers – the following videos are disgusting examples of free speech in America. Irony abounds when the Teabaggers claim that President Obama is pushing the country toward socialism, communism, Nazism, and totalitarianism. The United States of America is a Republic, governed by representatives of the people. The people elected President Obama and the […]
24Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Tea Bag Protesters Encouraged by GOP Representatives | Continued