All Posts Tagged With: "team"

New Congressional By-laws To Change Government Process
Just about everyone in the United States agrees that there is a problem in Washington, D. C. Some blame the Democrats, some the Republicans. Some blame liberals, some conservatives. Anyone placing this sort of blame is a part of the problem. What the partisans fail to realize is that we are all on the same […]
19May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Politics – Individual or Team Sport
Way back in about 1970 the folks down the road in St. Joe, Mo, voted to have non-partisan politics for their City Council. So no one ran for office as a Democrat or a Republican – just interested community citizens. The idea was that partisanship caused too much bickering. The people in St. Joe wanted […]
15Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Politics – Individual or Team Sport | Continued
The Humble Process of a Confident Barack Obama
President Obama is a confident man, a humble man who does not always have to be right. President Obama easily accepts the input of others – he seeks the input of others.
23Dec2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Humble Process of a Confident Barack Obama | Continued
Obama’s Team Chemistry – the X-Factor
President Elect Barack Obama is forming his team for governing the United States of America. The buzz in the media centers around the personalities and talents of selected team members. The entertainment value of media questions has been noted by the President Elect, “I know you are having fun with this,” when asked about previous […]
4Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Obama’s New World Order
By Karen Tumulty and Mark Thompson It was hard to miss the message that Barack Obama was sending with the powerful tableau lined up behind him onstage in Chicago. “I assembled this team because I’m a strong believer in strong personalities and strong opinions,” the President-elect said of his national-security picks. The top three members […]
4Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama’s New World Order | Continued
Obama’s ‘Dream Team’
By Michael Falcone Barack Obama in May, 2008. (Photo:Doug Mills/The New York Times) Besides their impressive resumes and political star-power, a few of President-elect Barack Obama’s top cabinet choices have something else in common — hoop dreams. Though these days Eric H. Holder Jr., Susan E. Rice and Gen. James L. Jones, may be more […]
2Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama’s ‘Dream Team’ | Continued
The Point of Leadership
Son, Leadership is not personal. Leadership is not about what I do at home in the evening, when no one is watching. Leadership is about what one does when everyone is watching. I really don’t care about the televangelist who privately has a couple of mistresses on the side. Who cares – what is the […]
29Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Point of Leadership | Continued