All Posts Tagged With: "Tone"

The Irony of Ohg Rea Tone – the Conflict of Ideology
Ohg Rea Tone struggles, like others who believe wholeheartedly in their own point of view. The simple twist of fate put Mr. Tone on the left side of most issues. Had the shoe of the other foot fallen a few millimeters to the right, Mr. Tone would sound the same, look the same, feel the […]
10Mar2014 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on The Irony of Ohg Rea Tone – the Conflict of Ideology | Continued
NH Political Predictions of Ohg Rea Tone
Son, Some processes are all about momentum. Momentum is not arbitrary – there are roots of rationale. There is cause and purpose. The forces at play in breaking the sled loose continue to propel – mass in motion is difficult to stop. The block of votes gained in Iowa have gravitational pull that directly correlates […]
4Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on NH Political Predictions of Ohg Rea Tone | Continued