All Posts Tagged With: "totalitarianism"

AARP Is A Communist Plot To Destroy America!
Allow me to first reveal my bias. I am a member of AARP. I am over sixty years old. I am a male. I am educated. I know how to type. There! Now you know my background. AARP is very obviously a communist plot to destroy America. We need only look at the AARP Bulletin, […]
16Mar2017 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | Continued
Tea Bag Protesters Encouraged by GOP Representatives
Warning to readers – the following videos are disgusting examples of free speech in America. Irony abounds when the Teabaggers claim that President Obama is pushing the country toward socialism, communism, Nazism, and totalitarianism. The United States of America is a Republic, governed by representatives of the people. The people elected President Obama and the […]
24Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Tea Bag Protesters Encouraged by GOP Representatives | Continued
McCain looks to Rove
Son, The ultimate in betrayal. The turning on one’s followers. The lost hope. John McCain was once the hope of the Republican Party. McCain was the man who was to bring the Party back from the wacko fringe of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. He was the man who was to restore the Reagan Revolution. […]
11Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on McCain looks to Rove | Continued