All Posts Tagged With: "troops"

Americans for Support of Our Troops
Ohg Rea Tone has been tapped as the new President and CEO of Americans for Support of Our Troops. We are building our mailing list and support network. Please subscribe to this issue of by clicking above on “what is a subscription,” then enter your email address in the space provided. You will receive […]
6Aug2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Americans for Support of Our Troops | Continued
Non Combat Troops – An Oxy Moron
We should take all ‘non-combat troops’ out of Iraq. That is one of the compromises proposed as a resolution to the conflict in Iraq. The suggestion is that American troops will not be dying in Iraq. That sounds pretty good to most of us. But is there such a thing as ‘non-combat troops?”
8Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued