All Posts Tagged With: "vengeance"

When Peaceful Protest Becomes A Lynch Mob
The near riots and riots in recent memory have the same feel as the mob rule of a hundred years past – the difference being the color of the skin of the protestors. Make no mistake about it – these protests are about justice. Immediate justice. In every case the protesters are compelled to […]
23Sep2016 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | Continued
The Two-Edged Sword of Justice
President Obama demonstrates his wisdom. He is reluctant to pursue charges against Bush administration officials for possible war crimes conducted during their ‘war on terror.’ Justice is a funny thing – and the Constitutional Lawyer in Barack Obama speaks to him of justice – but his maturity speaks to him of the bitterness of vengeance.
23Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Bernie Madoff, Adequate Sorrow, Adequate Punishment
Madoff had his day in court. He will have more. Madoff plead guilty to eleven felony counts of fraud – of stealing from trusting customers. But Madoff did not just steal the jewelery like a common burglar, he took the whole house, the car, the children’s teddy bear, and the family retirement account. In his […]
12Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bernie Madoff, Adequate Sorrow, Adequate Punishment | Continued