All Posts Tagged With: "violence"

Youth Violence – Not Just Fight or Flight
Mark Twain used youth violence as a humorous anecdote necessary to the maturing process of young boys. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer two boys (one is Tom) confront each other on the street; they taunt, tease, dare, and then scuffle. Tom is victorious when the other boy cries ’nuff!’ Not one sociologist at the time raised a stink about Twain’s portrayal of youth violence.
22Aug2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
The Dark Art of Rovian Politics – Flavored With Threats of Violence
The campaign for Party control of our country has entered a troubling time. The GOP Camp is stirring the pot, adding the spice of violent threats, flavoring with acidic language, hoping for a secret potion. The stew is beginning to boil, steam is wafting, dark clouds forming, and the warlock is pleased. The dark arts […]
30Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Christian Sponsored Terrorism
The Associated Press has composed a list of recent abortion-related violence. As an aside, we find their headline rather ironic – because it suggests the violence is a result of abortion. But more important than the headline are the facts of fundamentalist Christian violence (we prefer to call this behavior Christian Terrorism). We have written […]
1Jun2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
The Meaning of Jihad in Islam
By Ali Gomaa Within Islam the term jihad refers to a large category of meanings. Today, however, there are attempts to isolate this term to only one form of jihad to the exclusion of all others. This includes a conception of jihad that at best refers only to armed struggle, and at worst to a […]
24Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Meaning of Jihad in Islam | Continued
McCain’s Spiritual Guide – Inciting Hatred
John McCain’s Republican Party is attacking Barack Obama this week with advertisements highlighting the loony Reverend Jeremiah Wright. McCain has said that he would not go there – and now claims he can’t control independent groups. We are talking about the Republican National Committee. John McCain is the standard bearer of his party. John McCain […]
28Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Commander in Chief – Role of a Citizen
The Constitution of the United State of America vests the power of Commander in Chief with the Executive – The President. This feels clear to this writer that the intent was for a citizen, elected by the people, to act as Commander of the military. There was purpose in this intent. Here is a quote […]
22Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
After Watching Pan’s Labyrinth
Dad, I finally got around to watching Pan’s Labyrinth the other night, thanks to my neighbor’s vast collection of DVD’s. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it highly (the movie, I mean, not the DVD collection.) It is dark and moody and gruesome in a chilly way, but it finds perfect moments to shine […]
30Jan2008 | bryan | Comments Off on After Watching Pan’s Labyrinth | Continued
Nebraska Mall Shooting
Son, Another tragedy in America, this time in Nebraska. A nineteen-year-young man walked into a mall with his step-father’s assault rifle and killed eight people before killing himself. The young man had a troubled life; the state estimated that it had invested $265,000 on his previous ‘treatment.’ This is not the first troubled youth to […]
9Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Nebraska Mall Shooting | Continued