All Posts Tagged With: "Washington"
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Scapegoat Politics…
Just some things rattling in my head this morning…. Today I see headlines about Marco Rubio being booed at a gathering to discuss the recent school shooting. Booed and pinned down to say yay or nay to the NRA, pinned down to say guns were responsible for the recent and past shootings. This is disturbing. […]
22Feb2018 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Why? It’s More Than Guns
I don’t mean to disparage the intent of the Florida survivors who are now passionately pounding the anti-gun message. Yet, immediately after the shooting, I saw and heard several young people who claimed to know the shooter. They, with disdain in their voices, described a person who was off, didn’t fit in, was a juvenile […]
21Feb2018 | Nancy Belle | 1 comment | Continued![post thumbnail](
Aren’t We Done Yet?!
I can recall earlier Presidential campaigns that were contemptuous to say the least and how I really, really could hardly bear the wait till the first Tuesday of November. This year is the worst I could ever have imagined. Although, recent postings on social media show us there is nothing new in this world and […]
4Oct2016 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
More Thoughts on American Education
The internet is an enigma. So is youtube. While having the power to distribute information with immediacy to all corners of the world – The shortcuts sometimes ignore legitimate research. But today we will use youtube to demonstrate the troubles with American education. My own experience with American education comes in four basic contexts: my […]
3Feb2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on More Thoughts on American Education | Continued![post thumbnail](
A Gay Jesus and Catholic Art
“Corpus Christi” is a play written by an Irish Catholic named Terrence McNally, first performed on Broadway in 1998 and revived for two weeks in October. It is a controversial interpretation of the life and work of Jesus Christ, so it can be considered a part of the crazy-quilt reality of living as a Catholic […]
4Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on A Gay Jesus and Catholic Art | Continued![post thumbnail](
A Pragmatic Pair Chosen to Confront Terrorism Threat
By Carrie Johnson and Spencer S. Hsu Washington Post Staff Writers In nominating former federal prosecutors to lead the departments of Justice and Homeland Security, President-elect Barack Obama yesterday selected two Democrats with sterling law-and-order credentials but less experience in detecting threats and gathering intelligence in the age of international terrorism. Eric H. Holder Jr., […]
2Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on A Pragmatic Pair Chosen to Confront Terrorism Threat | Continued![post thumbnail](
Out for Obama: Gay Rights Group Plans Mega Inaugural Shindig
Cyndi Lauper scheduled to headline the Out for Equality inaugural extravaganza. (AP Photo) The “Out for Equality” ball (though its gay-rights organizers don’t want to call it a ball) is shaping up to be one of the single hottest tickets on inauguration night. And you don’t have to be L, G, B or T to […]
1Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Out for Obama: Gay Rights Group Plans Mega Inaugural Shindig | Continued![post thumbnail](
Obama Volunteers at a Chicago Food Bank
President-elect Barack Obama, center, his wife Michelle Obama, left, and daughter Malia, 10, center, greet people at a food bank at St. Columbanus Catholic Church on the South Side of Chicago, Nov. 26, 2008. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press) Tom DeFrank of the New York Daily News was today’s pool reporter covering Barack Obama’s visit to […]
27Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Obama Transition Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai
Onlookers stand at the site of a bomb blast in Mumbai Nov. 26, 2008. (Reuters) Obama Transition chief national security spokesperson Brooke Anderson condemned the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, on behalf of the president-elect, saying: President-Elect Obama strongly condemns today’s terrorist attacks in Mumbai, and his thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their […]
27Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama Transition Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai | Continued![post thumbnail](
The Meaning of Jihad in Islam
By Ali Gomaa Within Islam the term jihad refers to a large category of meanings. Today, however, there are attempts to isolate this term to only one form of jihad to the exclusion of all others. This includes a conception of jihad that at best refers only to armed struggle, and at worst to a […]
24Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Meaning of Jihad in Islam | Continued![post thumbnail](
Can the Obamas Choose a Church? Will We Let Them?
By David Waters As everyone knows by now, the Obamas are between church homes. That’s a difficult place for any churchgoing family, but especially one that has become the focus of the fears and hopes of the entire world. Finding a new church won’t get any easier now that they’re moving into the White House. […]
23Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Can the Obamas Choose a Church? Will We Let Them? | Continued![post thumbnail](
Fix Pick: Brooks on the Transition
New York Times columnist David Brooks is reassured by the people with whom President-elect Obama has chosen to surround himself. (By Linda Davidson — The Washington Post) Amid the chaos of Cabinet picks and the whirl of White House staff announcements over the past week, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. That […]
23Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Fix Pick: Brooks on the Transition | Continued![post thumbnail](
Trending Away From the GOP
By David S. Broder Sunday, November 16, 2008; Page B07 The deeper one digs into the returns from this past election, the more portentous the results seem. This Story Trending Away From the GOP 5 Myths About an Election of Mythic Proportions Watch Where You Walk, Mr. Obama I know the dangers of deciding too […]
20Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Trending Away From the GOP | Continued![post thumbnail](
Wag the Blog: Media Bias?
By Chris Cillizza It seems that every social event The Fix attends — and that list includes plane flights, field hockey games and shopping with Mrs. Fix, among others — there is someone who asks about bias in the media. Usually the “inquiry” comes in the form of an assertion — the media is far […]
13Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Wag the Blog: Media Bias? | Continued![post thumbnail](
What Benedict Hasn’t Said About the Holocaust
James Carroll Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to a synagogue in New York this week will evoke his visit to the oldest synagogue in Germany nearly three years ago. On that occasion, addressing leaders of Cologne’s Jewish community, Pope Benedict properly addressed the question of the Shoah. He deplored Hitler’s campaign to eliminate the Jewish people, […]
11Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on What Benedict Hasn’t Said About the Holocaust | Continued![post thumbnail](
To the Victor goes the Spoils
11Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on To the Victor goes the Spoils | Continued![post thumbnail](
Catholic Socialism
I was driving home when I heard on my car radio a minister say that “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” was a Looney-tune idea. I don’t make a habit of speaking back to the radio, but I couldn’t help but scream, “It’s in the Bible!” Acts 2: 44-45 […]
8Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Catholic Socialism | Continued![post thumbnail](
Ten Facts You Need To Know About Rahm Emanuel
Barack Obama’s decision to name Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff ensures that myriad profiles of the man they call “Rahmbo” will be written in the days and weeks to come. Here at The Fix we aim to bring readers only the news they need to know, so — without further ado […]
7Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ten Facts You Need To Know About Rahm Emanuel | Continued![post thumbnail](
2008 Election: Winners and Losers
By Chris Cillizza Barack Obama will be the 44th president of the United States. John McCain will not, likely capping a long and well-decorated political career with a loss. Democrats will expand their majorities in the House and the Senate. Republicans will be relegated to minority status in both chambers, forced to re-calculate what their […]
5Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on 2008 Election: Winners and Losers | Continued![post thumbnail](
How Obama Did It: The Ground Game
The God Vote Jacques Berlinerblau Jacques Berlinerblau is associate Professor and Director of the Program for Jewish Civilization at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. He’s also editor of Many years ago he received a doctorate in ancient Near Eastern Languages and Literature from New York University. Soon after, […]
5Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on How Obama Did It: The Ground Game | Continued![post thumbnail](
The Final Fix Electoral Map
The Final Fix Electoral Map After two years of following every jot and tittle of a presidential race that has had more twists and turns than this political junkie could have even imagined, we’ve reached the end. Read Full Post Here
3Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Final Fix Electoral Map | Continued![post thumbnail](
Washington Post Daily Tracking
Daily Tracking > If the 2008 presidential election were being held today, for whom would you vote? (Among likely voters) Highlights 56% of likely voters say they think Obama‘s views on most issues are about right. 42% of likely voters say they think McCain‘s views on most issues are about right. NOTE: Movable voters are […]
2Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Washington Post Daily Tracking | Continued![post thumbnail](
Obama, McCain, Palin and Religious (In)Tolerance
By Sally Quinn Ignorance and intolerance of the faiths or lack of faith of others is a huge problem in a world where religion is the main motivating force for most people. As Americans we must try to understand and respect beliefs we do not share as long as they are not imposed on us […]
1Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama, McCain, Palin and Religious (In)Tolerance | Continued![post thumbnail](
Biden: Election Will Be ‘a Lot Closer’ Than People Think
By Perry Bacon Jr. LIMA, Ohio — The surest sign of confidence from the Barack Obama campaign? Maybe allowing Sen. Joe Biden to take a dozen questions from reporters at a diner stop that turned into an impromptu press conference in which the senator from Delaware laid out his thoughts on the state of the […]
1Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Biden: Election Will Be ‘a Lot Closer’ Than People Think | Continued![post thumbnail](
Call Him John the Careless
Thursday, October 30, 2008; Page A23 From the invasion of Iraq to the selection of Sarah Palin, carelessness has characterized recent episodes of faux conservatism. Tuesday’s probable repudiation of the Republican Party will punish characteristics displayed in the campaign’s closing days. Some polls show that Palin has become an even heavier weight in John McCain’s […]
30Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Call Him John the Careless | Continued![post thumbnail](
Parsing the (Tracking) Poll: October Surprise
Although there are only two days left in October, there are still many people in the political world waiting for an “October Surprise” — some sort of game-changing event in the final moment before the general election that could fundamentally alter the race between Barack Obama and John McCain. Four years ago, that “surprise” was […]
30Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Parsing the (Tracking) Poll: October Surprise | Continued![post thumbnail](
Axelrod: Obama TV Show to Focus on ‘Where He Wants to Lead’
By Robert Barnes NORFOLK — Barack Obama’s 30-minute informercial airing Wednesday night will feature vignettes of people and families whom Obama has met during his nearly two-year campaign, and it will include a live component from a campaign rally in Florida, campaign sources said tonight. “Barack Obama: American Stories” is the name of the unusual […]
29Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Axelrod: Obama TV Show to Focus on ‘Where He Wants to Lead’ | Continued![post thumbnail](
RNC Borrows $5 Million For Senate Races
The Republican National Committee has taken out a $5 million line of credit to help fund last minute efforts to keep Senate Democrats from winning a filibuster-proof 60 seat majority, according to an official with the committee. Of the $5 million, $2 million is being directly transferred to the National Republican Senatorial Committee while $3 […]
28Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on RNC Borrows $5 Million For Senate Races | Continued![post thumbnail](
Healing Before Empowering
Christianity is good for both men and women, even when it does not empower us. Americans often carry the illusion that empowering a person is always a good thing, but a moment of reflection clears up that optimistic fantasy. Bad people should not be empowered and good people already are. Jesus Christ provides a way […]
28Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Healing Before Empowering | Continued![post thumbnail](
The Pollster WaPo-ABC Track: Early Birds for Obama
By Jon Cohen and Jennifer Agiesta More than twelve million voters have already cast ballots in the presidential contest, according to one estimate, and new data from the Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll shows these voters breaking Democratic by a wide margin. Among those who said they have already voted at an early voting location […]
28Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Pollster WaPo-ABC Track: Early Birds for Obama | Continued![post thumbnail](
Updated Fix Electoral Map Picks: An Obama Landslide
<p><strong>><a href=’’>2008 Election Contest: Pick Your President</a></strong> – Predict the winner of the 2008 presidential election.</p> Barack Obama stands on the cusp of an electoral vote blowout over John McCain with just eight days left in the 2008 general election. On our latest Fix electoral map, we have Obama at 349 electoral votes — his […]
27Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Updated Fix Electoral Map Picks: An Obama Landslide | Continued![post thumbnail](
Parsing the (Tracking) Poll: Feeling Voters’ Pain
One of the essential character traits in any successful politician is an ability — whether real or feigned — to connect with the hopes and fears of the average voter. Voters tend to like to vote for politicians that they believe are extraordinary (whether that means in terms of charisma, brain power of some other […]
25Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Parsing the (Tracking) Poll: Feeling Voters’ Pain | Continued![post thumbnail](
Obama Warns Supporters Against Overconfidence
By Shailagh Murray NEW YORK — Sen. Barack Obama urged supporters at a fundraiser this morning not to grow complacent in the final days of the campaign. “For those of you who are feeling giddy or cocky or think this is all set, I just have two words for you: New Hampshire,” Obama told top […]
16Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama Warns Supporters Against Overconfidence | Continued![post thumbnail](
Biden, Palin Debate, 10-2-2008
Tonight is the night. This is the most talked about debate in recent memory (we have Alzheimers, or some cousin of that dementia) – so it should be interesting. Everyone is looking for theater – It is almost as if no one expects substance – we are looking for the big gaff. The nice thing […]
2Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued![post thumbnail](
Karl Rove on Palin and election (video)
The Washington Post is very generous in sharing information (well, I guess that is their job). This writer believes that Karl Rove is an excellent example of someone who does things right – but seldom does the right things. This is a man who has successfully shaped American politics the past eight years. This is […]
2Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Karl Rove on Palin and election (video) | Continued![post thumbnail](
American Gangster – Afghanistan
Son, The movie “American Gangster’ is based on a true story. The story of heroin being imported into this country from Southeast Asia. The mode of transportation was primarily aboard United States Military aircraft. This was not sanctioned in any way by the U. S. Government – but by individuals in the military serving in […]
1Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on American Gangster – Afghanistan | Continued![post thumbnail](
Rick Warren with Sally Quinn
Son, Sally Quinn, with the Washington Post, does the world a great service by promoting sane spirituality. We should be grateful:
1Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Rick Warren with Sally Quinn | Continued![post thumbnail](
Deepak Chopra, holy and healing
Son, “There is only God and nothing else,” Deepak Chopra. This wonderful man has true inspiration, in intellect, spirituality, and emotion…. The Washington Post, probably my favorite internet site, offers regular videos on spirituality – here is an interview with Deepak Chopra:
1Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Deepak Chopra, holy and healing | Continued![post thumbnail](
following Jesus and the political process
Dad, Our discussion about Matthew 25 and politicians brings up a dillemma that I have wrestled with for some time. Should a follower of Jesus run for political office? Certainly, there is merit in being involved in the poklitical process and instigating change is a big job, but the teachings of Jesus are specifically about […]
19Jan2008 | bryan | Comments Off on following Jesus and the political process | Continued![post thumbnail](
Interactive Internet News Media
Son, I have written about enjoying hard copy news papers. This past five months I have been actively engaged in the world of internet news. The interactive properties have changed the way I see news, and news reporting. Today I regularly read eight different online publications of long standing news organizations – and a couple […]
19Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Interactive Internet News Media | Continued![post thumbnail](
Leader or Expert – Choosing a President
Son, Mitt Romney claims that leadership is more important than expertise on topic. “They are looking for judgment, wisdom, willingness to reach out to others, gaining the right information to make choices… Instead of asking who has the most expertise we should be asking who has the most executive leadership experience…. ” Very interesting points. […]
7Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued