All Posts Tagged With: "water"

Barack Obama – The Color of Water
These are troubling times of war and of economic despair. Yet there is a sense of hope. 50 million people in this country lack health care. Yet there is a sense of hope. We speak of immigration as if we are talking about cattle. Yet there is a sense of hope. Hope transcends troubles. Hope […]
30Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 9 comments | Continued
Salem Witch Hunt – Ultimate Water Boarding
Son, The use of water boarding by the United States Government to ferret out ‘terrorists’ reminds me of the witch hunts of 1692 in Massachusetts. One of those dark moments in American history. It is a catch 22 for the person being tortured. Tell us what we want to hear or risk drowning – does […]
10Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 5 comments | Continued
Bottled Water analysis by Penn & Teller
Son, I have never been a fan of bottled water. I have used it. It is a convenient item when watching high school soccer on hot August and September days. But is it better than tap water? Watch this video and make your own judgment. [wp_youtube]XfPAjUvvnIc[/wp_youtube] Well? I guess it is important to some people […]
10Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bottled Water analysis by Penn & Teller | Continued
Ice Storms highlight desperate measures
Readers, Ohg is out of commission. He lives in one of the midwestern cities that has been hit the worst with the latest ice storms. The picture at the right is about two blocks from his house. He is without power, huddled in fron of his fireplace for warmth, trying to decide whether or not […]
13Dec2007 | bryan | Comments Off on Ice Storms highlight desperate measures | Continued