All Posts Tagged With: "weapons"

When “Political Correctness” Inhibits Honesty
I have some friends, 300+ on facebook. They represent every aspect of American society. Rich and poor, old and young, educated and uneducated, wise and not-so-wise, liberal and conservative, black and white and gray, and some very opinionated. I have been reluctant to post dramatic political points of view for fear of alienating someone – […]
16Jun2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
The Conumdrum of the 2nd Amendment in the Post Modern Era
We humans have crossed a threshold, a military threshold. When the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written there was an equality of arms between a ‘militia’ and any government. Governments of that era did have canons – but these were of limited mobility and accuracy. Most militia men living along the Potomac did not […]
5Mar2013 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continued
The Passion of Gun Lovers and Pit Bulls
Gun lovers can sure be passionate. We might have used the word fanatical – but that word has negative connotations. Is it possible to be passionate about guns and not be fanatical? Yes. Is it possible to be passionate about anything and not be fanatical? Yes. I wrote a post last week titled The Phenomenon of Modern Guns. That post instigated a healthy debate by gun lovers – and leads directly to this diatribe of values examination.
11Feb2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | 13 comments | Continued
The NRA Supports Mexican Drug Cartels
It is the law of unintended consequences at its most maddening extreme. In their asinine attempt to keep all forms of arms available, with the least regulation or restriction, the Nation Rifle Association has made heavy weapons available to the Mexican Drug Cartels. We don’t have enough James Bonds around to control the bad guys. […]
16Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
The Phenomenon of Modern Guns
My age is classified in the category of Senior. Does that by itself suggest anything about my understanding of modern guns? No, it does not. Just checking for any preconceived bias. By chance I have owned guns in one form or another for about 35 years. In 1976 I shot Marksman on a police combat course with a four inch stainless steel Ruger Security Six 357 Magnum. That was a mouthful, but it points out that modern guns are very different than the arms defined in the 2nd Amendment. And that was 35 years ago. Modern guns of the 21st Century are just plain scary.
7Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 24 comments | Continued
Bush and Cheney are WMD’s
George W. Bush, mixed with equal amounts of Dick Cheney, produces Weapons of Mass Destruction. These two men, more than Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden, have themselves destroyed mass numbers of humans. And about 5,000 of the dead are American service men. We can not even begin to count the number of innocent Iraqi’s killed in a war of vengeance.
The lethal combination of Bush and Cheney needed only a spark of inflamation. The entire Republican Party has bought into this mixture of vengeance and lusts after another opportunity to mix their potions of destruction.
16Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bush and Cheney are WMD’s | Continued
Bush, bewildering logic
Son, President Bush is live on TV as I write. “Iran was dangerous. Iran is dangerous. Iran will be dangerous if they have the ability to have nukular weapons. Who is to say that they don’t have a covert operation to have a nukular program” This in response to a new finding by the National […]
4Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bush, bewildering logic | Continued