All Posts Tagged With: "weather"

Global Warming Is Not Intuitive
Science is not always intuitive. Science is often counter-intuitive. We humans like to keep things simple. We also like to answer the question “Why?” Thus we look at nature and when there is no immediate, obvious, answer we, over time, have been inclined to just give God credit. The result has been a slow response […]
24Aug2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Global Warming Is Not Intuitive | Continued
Steven Colbert, FOX, and Global Warming
It is February – in North America. It is snowing, and the temperature hovers around freezing. In two months it will be April, the average daily temperature will hover around 55-60 degrees. What can this possibly mean? Can this mean that North America’s climate is seasonal – or does this mean the global weather is […]
11Feb2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Roswell Secrets sold to China
Son, Technology has seen exponential growth in the past fifty years. Proponents of conspiracy theories believe that the space ship that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 provided the stimulus. There is more evidence that this is true. The Legitimate Conspiracy Theory (LCT) cyberspace magazine to be published in the future has unearthed evidence […]
23Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Roswell Secrets sold to China | Continued
Piling Snow on Snow
Son, I live in the Midwest. We have been in the bullseye of weather systems for several weeks. The Great Ice Storm of 2007 took away our electrical power. Now we are inundated with snow on snow. I have about 250 feet of sidewalks to be shoveled. And I shovel with my little red […]
29Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Piling Snow on Snow | Continued
Exercise – jog-a-long in the snow
Son, I just did my first winter jog-a-long of the season. It is 30 degrees outside with a wind chill index of twenty degrees. The wind is from the north and there is mixed snow and rain. The snow is sticking on the grass but not on the pavement. I have not made this sort […]
22Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Exercise – jog-a-long in the snow | Continued