All Posts Tagged With: "wildlife"

The Phenomenon of Modern Guns
My age is classified in the category of Senior. Does that by itself suggest anything about my understanding of modern guns? No, it does not. Just checking for any preconceived bias. By chance I have owned guns in one form or another for about 35 years. In 1976 I shot Marksman on a police combat course with a four inch stainless steel Ruger Security Six 357 Magnum. That was a mouthful, but it points out that modern guns are very different than the arms defined in the 2nd Amendment. And that was 35 years ago. Modern guns of the 21st Century are just plain scary.
7Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 24 comments | Continued
EPA Puts Republicans on Endangered Species List
The Environmental Protection Agency, a cousin to the National Parks, has declared the species of neanderthal Republicans to be endangered. Qualifying as endangered provides specific government protection. Specifically, the EPA is developing a Republican Wildlife Refuge. Preliminary plans are to locate the Refuge in Alaska. Drastic action is called for after a recent study by […]
7Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on EPA Puts Republicans on Endangered Species List | Continued
Animal Rights vs Wildlife Management
Son, We live in a crowded world. There are many lifeforms competing for the same land, water, and air. But we happen to be humans – so get out of the way other lifeforms. That has been the human motto for thousands of years. But I think we have pushed too hard. Wildlife is now […]
10Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Animal Rights vs Wildlife Management | Continued