All Posts Tagged With: "wind farms"

Respecting Farmer John, And Others With Whom We Disagree
The political climate in 2010 America makes for tough friendships. Actually, the problem rests with widespread, instantaneous information that is neither accurate nor useful. We at write opinion. We are right up front about our process. We do not uncover secret plots by Muslims breeding like rabbits and take over the world by shear […]
14Oct2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Respecting Farmer John, And Others With Whom We Disagree | Continued
Wind and Wild, energy and nature
The Global Warming phenomenon is powerful. People across this great country are taking action. They are not waiting for an Act of Congress to be responsible. I drove the rural countryside on Saturday, traveling deep into the Missouri hills. Along the way I saw a sight right out of a Holland Science Fiction movie. There […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued