All Posts Tagged With: "World"

Obama Speech in Cairo, Egypt 6-4-09
President Obama spoke in Cairo, Egypt. The text of the speech follows the video. I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning, and for over a century, Cairo University has […]
4Jun2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama Speech in Cairo, Egypt 6-4-09 | Continued
5 gifts that can change the world
It is that time of year when I scramble to get the last gifts before all of the other saps try scrambling to get the last gift, thus, I beat the crowd My family has been trying to get away from the obligatory knick-knack purchases that we have always ended up getting for those that […]
9Dec2008 | bryan | 3 comments | Continued
Obama’s New World Order
By Karen Tumulty and Mark Thompson It was hard to miss the message that Barack Obama was sending with the powerful tableau lined up behind him onstage in Chicago. “I assembled this team because I’m a strong believer in strong personalities and strong opinions,” the President-elect said of his national-security picks. The top three members […]
4Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama’s New World Order | Continued
Life or Death – Warrior Virtues
The disaster of September 11, 2001, redefined our nation’s leadership. Perhaps. It may also be that the disaster of terrorism merely focused or gave clarity to a foregone destiny. Our President, George W. Bush, issued his proclamation. He did so with a sense of nobility right out of the Dark Ages. He said, “There is […]
14Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Life or Death – Warrior Virtues | Continued
The Day The Earth Stood Still
November 4, 2008, the earth will stand still. There are moments in human history when all people of all nations stop – they pause their lives – they watch. Sometimes we are captivated in hopeful anticipation, other times frozen in fear and awe. September 11, 2001 was a day of fear and awe. July 20, […]
24Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Day The Earth Stood Still | Continued
Note to McCain: Sarcasm Is Toxic
John McCain attempted to belittle Obama in their final debate by using sarcasm. Sarcasm is toxic. Sarcasm poisons relationships. Sarcasm poisons reasonable discourse. Sarcasm poisons conversation. Is this sarcasm an example of how McCain will deal with contentious world leaders? The point here is quite simple. McCain uses his anger, manifested in sarcasm, to try […]
16Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Note to McCain: Sarcasm Is Toxic | Continued
Greatest Generation – And Neocons.
Our father was a veteran of World War II. He came home with four Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart, never to speak of his experience. He kept his silence until his death at age eighty-five. He did not talk about the atrocities of war because the memories were too painful. As America entered other […]
10Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
McCain’s 100 year war
Son, John McCain has said, probably regretfully, that we may have to have troops in Iraq for a hundred years. He was at a town hall meeting today and tried to clarify his comments. McCain reminds us that we have had troops in Germany and Japan for over sixty years, and in Korea for over […]
26Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on McCain’s 100 year war | Continued
Foreign Policy – Ron Paul is almost right
Son, I am scaring myself. I listen to Ron Paul and find merit in some of what he says. The problem with Ron Paul rests with frequent leaps of logic. He is one of those conspiracy theory folks who sees ghosts in every corner. The problem is there is occasionally a ghost and no one […]
25Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Thinking about the Economy? Remember Bill Clinton
Son, The economy is at it’s worst in twenty years – who is in charge anyway? Is anyone in Washington D.C. thinking about anything? I can’t help but reflect on the Presidency of Bill Clinton. Eight years of the greatest economic growth in the history of this Great Country. And you know what – President […]
22Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Thinking about the Economy? Remember Bill Clinton | Continued
Gays and Aids, A Connection?
Son, The HIV virus is non-discriminatory. It does not care about your race, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Sadly, many people have viewed the result of HIV, AIDS, as largely a phenomenon of gay sex. Why? When AIDS hit the scene in the early 1980’s it was predominantly in the gay men community – […]
2Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Gays and Aids, A Connection? | Continued