
When I Was Just a Little Girl
Originally WrittenFebruary 17, 2015 When I was just a little girl I asked my mother, what will I be Will I be pretty, will I be rich Here’s what she said to me…. Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future’s not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be […]
17Feb2024 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued
Oh Lord Won’t You Give Me?
I loved and love Janis Joplin. I like the song she sang, Mercedes Benz, because it reminds me of a Church I attended with a friend when I was about 16. It was located in South St. Joseph. There was a neon sign outside proclaiming PENTECOSTAL SOMETHING OR OTHER CHURCH. A bright white two story […]
31Jul2016 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued
Ladies and Gentlemen, Germans and Gents….
Another song from childhood: Ladies and gentlemen, Germans and gents, Cross-eyed mosquitoes and bowlegged ants, I come before you because I am not behind you to tell you something I know nothing of. One bright day in the middle of the night two dead boys got up to fight back to back they faced each […]
6Sep2015 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ladies and Gentlemen, Germans and Gents…. | Continued
A Horse, A Flea, And Three Blind Mice
I learned this song as a child, taught it to my children and some grandchildren. A horse and a flea and the three blind mice were sitting on a tombstone rolling dice, the horse fell down and landed on the flea, oops said the flea there’s a horse on me. Boom Boom aint it great […]
6Sep2015 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on A Horse, A Flea, And Three Blind Mice | Continued
McCartney on Colbert
There is nothing we can add to this other than to say how much we appreciate Comedy Central allowing us to embed this video.
14Jun2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on McCartney on Colbert | Continued
American Idol: Dump Randy Jackson, Jamie Foxx as Judge
American Idol has transitioned a few times in the past ten years – often with improvements in the judging. The most notable failure of inspiration is the retaining of Randy Jackson as a Judge. Randy talks too much and never says much. Jackson is worthless as a judge. Clearly, Randy Jackson feels inferior to the […]
19May2011 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Elvis Presley – Amazing Grace (Videos)
Truly amazing, we were graced with Elvis. Elvis Presley came into my life through Ed Sullivan. The Sunday evening custom in our home was chocolate cupcakes with white icing while we watched Ed Sullivan. My older brothers and I could not sit still on the old wood floor – while my mother and father wondered […]
6Oct2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Nashville 2010: The Day the Music Died
A long, long time ago… I can still remember How that music used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And, maybe, they’d be happy for a while. I don’t have cable. My family does not value the television enough to pay that […]
7May2010 | bryan | Comments Off on Nashville 2010: The Day the Music Died | Continued
Dancing With The Stars – 2010 Fall Season Recommendations is officially one site that can make recommendations on major entertainment and political personnel. Here is our recommendation for the 2010 Dancing with the Stars roster. Dancing With The Stars is an entertaining program. People from other professions – generally known at least in pop culture if not for professional achievement, are asked to […]
4May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 92 comments | Continued
Crystal Bowersox is a Redneck
Does that title sound insulting? It does if you buy into the Jeff Foxworthy definition of a Redneck. Crystal Bowersox is in the final five on American Idol. She has mesmerized the judges and home audiences for however long this season has been on. But Crystal is a Redneck. We at come from a […]
4May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Crystal Bowersox is a Redneck | Continued
Reflecting On The Music Of My Mother
I was fumbling around on youtube this morning and found this Patsy Cline rendition of Tennessee Waltz. My mother introduced me to this song. She was not trying to – this was one of the songs she sang while wringing out the laundry in her wringer wash machine. Hearing Patsy Cline sing this old song […]
1Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Reflecting On The Music Of My Mother | Continued
American Idol Behind the Scenes
This link takes American Idol fans to a “Share Widget” One can copy this widget to your favorite web site. Enjoy
16Feb2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on American Idol Behind the Scenes | Continued
Everything American Idol – 2010
Hyperlink to a vast array of information about American Idol. We offer this service merely as a convenience to web surfers. Enjoy.
16Feb2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Everything American Idol – 2010 | Continued
Dancing with the Stars Tribute to Patrick Swayze
This is a nice tribute to a great dance. Dancing With The Stars put this tribute together – it is well done. This aired on the evening program of September 23, 2009. Patrick may not have won an Oscar – but he certainly impacted the world of movies, music, and dance. Others have tried to […]
24Sep2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Michael Jackson, Legendary Hero or Villian
Michael Jackson is dead at age 50. Already the hype has taken over the airways. Even in death Jackson continues to shock the sensibilities of the entire populace, fans and foes. Farrah Faucett died today at age 62 – no offense intended but Farrah has been bumped off the news cycle. Michael Jackson was as […]
25Jun2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Memories – Streisand, Paige, and Boyle
‘Memories,’ one of those great songs that demands great artistry. Recognized artists like Barbara Streisand and Elaine Page do justice to this song – but how about Susan Boyle. Page is the artist Susan Boyle claimed as her goal in artistic performance. Which rendition do you prefer. For my money – no one beats Streisand […]
26May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Memories – Streisand, Paige, and Boyle | Continued
Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan – an Unusual Duo
We have images of people. We have images of singers. We have images of music genre. Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan are two images that contrast in my mind. The curiosity of a County Star singing with an anti-war legend struck me as worthy of comment. After some reflection – the only approach that seemed […]
15May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan – an Unusual Duo | Continued
Three Dog Night Youtube videos
When I was a young man – long, long, ago – when I was interested in pop culture – long, long, ago – before I realized man had been around for a long time – there was Three Dog Night. Today is a day for music reflection – and we shall begin with these favorites: […]
15May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Three Dog Night Youtube videos | Continued
Finding a Voice With Music
Dad, I am one of those lovers of music that has no musical background. I wasn’t in band in high school; I never sang in a choir, I never even managed a successful stretch of lessons that allowed me to learn an instrument. I toyed with the idea of learning the violin, but I am […]
21Apr2009 | bryan | Comments Off on Finding a Voice With Music | Continued
Paper Roses – Marie Osmond, Loretta Lynn, Anita Bryant
Here is a wonderful song sung by three very popular singers. You can judge for yourself which is best. I have a favorite and am curious about reader’s (listener’s) choices:
20Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Paper Roses – Marie Osmond, Loretta Lynn, Anita Bryant | Continued
Kevin Spacey Impersonations
Every now and then a real talent comes along. Kevin Spacey is one such talent. Check out this video where Spacey spontaneously impersonates Jimmy Stewart, Johnny Carson, Katherine Hepburn, Clint Eastwood and several others… [wp_youtube]O8JmN_-oudY[/wp_youtube] This guy has phenomenal powers of observation – and is able to translate his observations into superb acting. But Spacey […]
12Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Kevin Spacey Impersonations | Continued
Bobby McFerrin
Check this out. The classical singer Bobby McFerrin with some classical interpretations. McFerrin is to music what Jim Carey is to comedy. No, wait, that discredits McFerrin – he is incomparable. Here is Ave Maria, all voice with no instrumental accompaniment – a fascinating expose by a true master. The theater is in the round. […]
8Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bobby McFerrin | Continued
Beyonce – “At Last” – along with Etta James
Beyonce demonstrated her great talent, a beautiful voice, with her rendition of “At Last” at the Presidential Inaugural Ball for Barack and Michelle Obama. It seems Etta James, the original recording artist of this great song, felt slighted and took offense at the Beyonce interpretation. Here they are – you decide for yourself which rendition is most appropriate for the occasion.
6Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Buddy Holly
Buddy Holly, a real American talent. True Love Ways: Live in 1958: The day the music died: And here is Don McClean singing American Pie:
3Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Buddy Holly | Continued
Music of the Night – Videos
Andrew Lloyd Weber describes “The Music of the Night” as the most sexual song he has ever written. My take on the music is that it is the most sexual song I have ever heard. Here are three renditions, ordered from least to best – and they are all good. We begin with David Cook, then Josh Grobin, and conclude with Gerard Butler.
23Jan2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
George Winston – Contemporary Piano Master
George Winston is arguably the greatest piano virtuoso of our time. Winston plays a particular type of music – often referred to as “New Age” music. “New Age” conjures images of incense, beads, and meditation – but don’t be distracted by the labels. Listen to his music and judge for yourself. This writer is biased […]
13Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on George Winston – Contemporary Piano Master | Continued
I Believe – a Tribute to Levi Stubbs of the Four Tops
Levi Stubbs died today. He was 72. The lead Singer of the Four Tops, one of Motown’s greatest. We remember those days – those days when Motown lifted all of us to a higher understanding of music.
17Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Counting Crows – Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby
Dad, I still love the Counting Crows and their music. I have been listening to this song, Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby, about once a day for a month now, and trying to figure out what all of the imagery is about. I think that it is about a guy (the singer, Adam Duritz I guess) who […]
19Sep2007 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued