Shifting Paradigms – Obama is On Track!
What is the driving mission, vision, philosophy, whatever, of the United States of America? We look to our Constitution for the how-to’s; we look to our leaders for the why-for’s. The national media continues to look to our candidates for office for specific logistical solutions to problems. They continue to look at how-to’s. I think we should be looking at the why-for’s.
Barack Obama inspires the why-for mentality. Obama talks about hope. Obama talks about the celebration of life. Obama honors strength and courage. Obama promotes a common purpose. Obama inspires unity and inclusiveness – both at home and abroad.
Obama represents a shift in fundamental paradigms. The Bush administration promotes a win/lose philosophy – “You are either with us or against us.” Obama’s message is inclusive, implying ‘how can all people win.’
I like that.