Americans want a Revolution – 2008 | The Fireside Post Americans want a Revolution – 2008 | The Fireside Post
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Ohg Rea Tone is all or nothing. He is educated and opinionated, more clever than smart, sarcastic and forthright. He writes intuitively - often disregarding rules of composition. Comment on his posts - he will likely respond with characteristic humor or genuine empathy. He is the real-deal.

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Americans want a Revolution – 2008

We are ready.  We are ready for change.  We are ready for a Revolution. The American people have already demonstrated a powerful desire for revolution.  Witness the Party Primaries of 2007 and 2008.  Democrats have registered to vote in historic numbers.  Barack Obama – a relative unknown – won because he represented the best chance for the biggest change.  Even the Republicans thought they were rejecting the ways of the past – they thought they were supporting McCain because he represented an opposing voice to the old Party line.

Sadly, the contest for change has degenerated into politics as usual.  Obama’s charges against McCain are tough – but at least they resemble honesty.  McCain’s thugs have stooped below the belly of the snake Karl Rove.  The nasty campaigning will hold water with people who are afraid of the future – people who claim faith but vote out of fear.  Faith and fear are not compatible belief systems. But the McCain camp does not understand change – the change the people of 2008 seek includes the change in the process of negative distract and attack strategies.

The Revolution is upon us – how will it end?

The first American Revolution was touch and go – Led by the liberals of their day, the Founding Fathers declared their independence and formed a Continental Congress.  Washington then struggled with the Continental Congress to garner military resources, there were few resources to be had.  Washington’s army held on until the French Navy came to assist – and was able to trap Cornwallis at York Town – sealing the success of the liberals.  The United States of America was born.

Today we find a government thick with corruption, sleeping with corporate America to the dismay of the people.  The United States government rampages around the world with military might – financing the foolishness with loans from our declared enemies – enemies with oil in the Middle East and enemies with cheap labor in Asia.  The Republican’s crony heavy Department of the Interior ignores Big Oil abuse of Federal lands while enjoying sex and drugs and monetary bribes – all this while McCain insists that drilling in wildlife refuges is safe.  They can’t even practice safe sex, let alone safe drilling.

The community infrastructure of America is crumbling – an infrastructure began with the New Deal under Franklin Roosevelt and championed by Eisenhower with the Interstate Highway System.  Today the Interstate Highway bridges are collapsing while our government is rebuilding bridges in Iraq – granting contracts to American corporate cronies.  Hurricanes ravage our coasts while political cronies fail to properly manage disaster relief.

Terrorists have attacked our country and they remain free from prosecution.  Osama Bin Laden thumbs his nose at a politically directed military.  Corrupt government officials line the pockets of their corporate friends behind the illusion of national security. Halliburton and Blackwater have become giants of the War industry.

The rights of the American people in the homeland are sacrificed, in violation of the United State Constitution, again under the mantra of National Security.

The housing market is collapsing under the weight of corrupt predatory lending.  An inept and crony led Department of Justice has ignored violations of regulations by big business.   Working class people were duped into buying beyond their means – and who suffers from the corruption – regular working people.  The big shot Executives walk away with multi-millioin dollar bonuses.  All in the political interest of the Bush Dynasty.  Someone is getting very rich – and it is not the average Joe in America.

Wages have diminished.  Two family incomes are necessary to reach the bottom levels of the middle class.  The buying power of hard working Americans has eroded by staggering levels.  We pay heavy school taxes and receive an education that ranks 19th in the world, just above Mexico.  The future of our children is being threatened with sub-standard education, long term government debt, loss of potential inheritance because of the economic suffering of the parents.

50,000,000 American receive sub-standard health care.  While the Sheiks of Arabia fly to our best hospitals in Cleveland and Minnesota to receive premium care – paid for by Americans at the gas pump.  The Sheiks of Arabia are protected by the American Military – again paid for by the working class of America.

We are demanding a revolution – and on November 4, 2008, the flag of change will be raised in the voting booths of America.  The real beauty of the American Way is the process of non-violent change.  The Founding Fathers recognized the futility of force and established a form of government that could be changed by a mere vote.  It is just tragic that modern government leaders do not understand this concept.

Change does not require that blood be shed.


There Are 7 Responses So Far. »

  1. Vote????

    It’s time for a real revolution. enough is enough.

    Consider me a Minuteman ready for orders.

  2. The second amendment gave us the right to bear arms. Not just to go hunting but to use it if our government gets out of control!

  3. “Barack Obama – a relative unknown – won because he represented the best chance for the biggest change.”

    No doubt he’ll change us back to the failed policies of Jimmy Carter. Remember gas lines, turn down your thermostats, the world is almost out of oil, 20 interest rates, inflation, loss of a major ally (Iran), et al.

    “Sadly, the contest for change has degenerated into politics as usual. Obama’s charges against McCain are tough – but at least they resemble honesty. “

    Resemble honesty? Yeah sure, and an octopus resembles a redwood tree.

    “McCain’s thugs have stooped below the belly of the snake Karl Rove.”

    Uh – hello, Karl Rove isn’t on McCain’s campaign staff, and of course the 30 “thugs” dispatched by Obama Central to Alaska to dig dirt on Palin are to be ignored – Right?

    “But the McCain camp does not understand change – the change the people of 2008 seek includes the change in the process of negative distract and attack strategies.”

    As has been pointed out repeatedly in the media (other than the “in-the-tank of BHO MSM), much of the negativity would be gone if BHO had agreed to meet and debate McCain anywhere and anytime. – – Oh wait BHO DID agree to that but failed to mention the asterisk of EXCEPT IN TOWNHALL TYPE FORMATS. Such hypocrisy!

    “The Revolution is upon us – how will it end?”

    Answer – McCain / Palin

    “The first American Revolution was touch and go – Led by the liberals of their day, the Founding Fathers declared their independence and formed a Continental Congress.”

    Liberals of 1776 would be declared to be liberals by those who would rule them. (England saw the “rebels” as liberals.) From the perspective of those in “the colonies”, those that wanted a break from English tyranny, the Founding Fathers, would be seen as conservative by today’s standards, under a banner which might read, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

    “ . . . while McCain insists that drilling in wildlife refuges is safe.”

    Drilling practices have improved over the last 30 years. Just look at the last three major hurricanes that swept through the oil producing areas in the western Gulf of Mexico. Katrina and Ike included. There were no spills or blow outs or leaks. I suspect you’ll agree that in the short term (at least the next 10 – 20 years) oil is the only readily available energy source, no matter where it comes from, that can fuel our economy. Based on the context of your message, you trust Russia, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Nigeria, etc. (places where we obtain the oil needed to run our economy) to be more protective of the environment than we are in the US. That is so naïve as to be laughable. Your premise just “exports” oil spills and subsequent pollution to somewhere other than the US.

    “The community infrastructure of America is crumbling –“

    A perfect example of how to run America with liberal ideals can be found by only looking at Detroit. A massively liberal city. Have you noticed the great job the libs have done there? This is just a text book example of how NOT to run any economic entity.

    “Hurricanes ravage our coasts while political cronies fail to properly manage disaster relief.”

    No doubt the cronies you speak of are Mayor Nagin, and Governor Blanco. Did you happen to notice the result of the latest hurricane disaster to strike Louisiana? My, what a difference a conservative governor makes. (I’ll grant that Nagin learned some lessons from Katrina, as his response was significantly improved from 2005.) Compare the disaster of Katrina to the recent flooding in the central US. The floods in the mid-west were easily as devastating as the Katrina induced floods in New Orleans. Those floods were in the news cycle for about 1-2 weeks, yet Katrina is still discussed 3 years later. New Orleans = Very Democratic and always anticipating the government will take care of them. Mid-west = conservative values. To anyone that might read this, if you are going to wait for the government to take care of your every need, you are foolish.

    “Terrorists have attacked our country and they remain free from prosecution. Osama Bin Laden thumbs his nose at a politically directed military.”

    I wonder if we would have been attacked on September 11, 2001 if Pres. Clinton’s administration had removed Osama BL either to Allah or to prison in one of the 10 or so times they had the chance. Clinton fails to act in the US’s best interest and Bush get tarred and feathered for it. I wonder if Saddam Hussein hadn’t violated UN resolutions 17 times or if he had stepped down and “out” of Iraq as he was offered in the 11th hour prior to invasion, if we would have ever gone into Iraq? (I know your answer.)

    “The rights of the American people in the homeland are sacrificed, in violation of the United State Constitution, again under the mantra of National Security.”

    Name one proven instance of the violation of rights of American citizens that has taken place since the Patriot Act was enacted. I don’t mean “reported” instances, I’m talking about proven instances – lawsuit brought and evidence proves a citizen had his/her rights violated. Also, don’t forget that Russ Feingold, was the ONLY Senator to vote against the bill. So all the libs except Feingold agreed with Pres. Bush, yet somehow it is solely Pres. Bush’s fault. Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, – Why aren’t you calling for the nearly 50 Democratic Senators that vote Yea, on this issue to be fired/impeached or that they resign?

    “The housing market is collapsing under the weight of corrupt predatory lending.”

    Lending which was encouraged by Congress under a long lived liberal talking point. That of ensuring everyone can acquire the “American Dream” of home ownership. Unfortunately, this encouragement resulted in the corrupt predatory lending you refer to. It should also be noted that the latest meltdown in the home lending industry Fannie and Freddie, both of which are/were head by known staunch liberals. Also questions about a exceedingly favorable loan to the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee – one Senator Chris Dodd, given by Countrywide (another home loan banking meltdown). Maybe if Sen. Dodd had paid attention to his duties of oversight on the Banking Committee rather than working for a “hot deal” on a home loan, then the collapse would never have started. BTW – I have nothing against everyone owning a home, but zero down and signing on for adjustable rate loans wouldn’t be in my “play book”, and Dodd and his crooked cronies shouldn’t have been pushing for same.

    “The big shot Executives walk away with multi-million dollar bonuses.”

    No doubt you are referring to the heads of Fannie and Freddie and their well-known liberal cronies.

    “Someone is getting very rich – and it is not the average Joe in America.”

    Maybe it’s Sen. Dodd?

    “We pay heavy school taxes and receive an education that ranks 19th in the world, just above Mexico.”

    You’ve conveniently overlooked that the entire school system of the US is infested with liberal ideals. The NEA is one of the most liberal leaning organizations in the US. The taxpayers pump more and more money into the school system and grades continue to drop. That is until No Child Left Behind was enacted. Grades are improving because there seems to now be just a sliver of accountability which has crept into the education system. The liberal ideas of “there are no wrong answers” and “trying is good enough” that have been tried for the past generation have proven to be an abysmal failure. Why do parents generally jump at the chance of non-traditional education (home schooling, private and charter schools, etc.)? Because there is accountability in those areas, whereas there seems to be little or none in the public education system.

    “The future of our children is being threatened with . . . . . loss of potential inheritance because of the economic suffering of the parents.”

    If you use the word inheritance as “personal accumulated wealth passed from one generation to the next”, then I think you should look at the “revolution” that BHO is planning. He’s stated he will increase the so called “death tax” considerably. So the wealth that a person accumulates can’t be passed on to his/her heirs, without the BHO/liberal government taking most of it. Goodbye more small privately held farms and businesses – as the heirs won’t be able to pay the “death tax”.

    “50,000,000 American receive sub-standard health care. While the Sheiks of Arabia fly to our best hospitals in Cleveland and Minnesota to receive premium care – paid for by Americans at the gas pump. The Sheiks of Arabia are protected by the American Military – again paid for by the working class of America.”

    This is so full of holes one barely knows where to start.
    “50 million Americans” —– 20 million of which are illegal aliens that absorb our healthcare services while contributing virtually nothing to the costs of those same services.

    “. . . receive sub-standard health care.”

    So you think socialized medicine is the answer? You’ve seen too many Michael Moore movies. Socialized medicine WILL lead to rationed medicine. Procedures you can get “today” in the US might take months or even years in Canada or England. And don’t get old in a socialized medicine society. Let’s say at 75 or 80, you are in need of a knee replacement and a younger person of say 25-30 needs the same resources (doctors, operating room, medicine, etc.) – guess who has to wait? As soon as the bureaucrat that is rationing the limited resources, sees you at 80 with a painful, but not life threatening condition (a quality of life kind of issue) {s)he’ll just see to it you get pain killers along with a big prescription of “get used to it”. Yeah – Socialize medicine and ruin the best healthcare system in the world.

    “Sheiks of Arabia. . . . receive premium care –“ I thought you said in your first sentence that the US healthcare was sub-standard – Please make up your mind.

    “Sheiks of Arabia are protected by the American Military” – Well you are probably right on that singular comment. Since the Democrats in Congress and environazi idiots have for 30 years succeeded in blocking development of viable energy resources in the US, I ask – where else are we to obtain the energy needed to run our economy?

    Ohg – It is very obvious that you are suffering. – – – Suffering from BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome. My prescription would be to take some “happy pills” and continue to take them until Nov 4th. Then you can awaken and have a good cry as you see Obama lose.

  4. Good comments, wrong – but well intentioned. Thanks

  5. @GLENCO
    Great effort but you just can’t win on this blog. There are blinders on Liberals in here. All conservatives are dogs and liberals are the shining light. Obama will win and then we will all be mandated to go to the Burning Man Festival.

  6. I’ve decided I’m with Joe on this one, we are ready for a revolution. In the revolutionary war, Americans were all in it for the same thing. Those men who fought for it would be shaking their heads disapprovingly if they could see what their dream has become.

  7. Ohg – I’ll accept your 9/15 response to my post as your intellectual equivalent of . . . . . “whatever”.