Super Nigger

This writer is a white man, mostly. I cannot use the word featured in the title to this post – so I shall not. We do not want to get into any trouble – so we will turn the duty over to Richard Pryor. George Carlin said that Pryor can use the word ‘nigger’ because he is one.
Richard Pryor broke the rules, and we are grateful. Pryor was most effective in using humor to contrast the insanity of racism and the ultimate humor inherent in absurd words. Oprah will not like this post – but she failed to renew her advertising so we got nothing to lose, bro.
But I am off topic. Richard Pryor did a skit thirty some years ago on the first black President. This comedian was way ahead of his time – and opened the doors for Jon Stewart and that other funny white guy.
The following Pryor video is titled “The Nigga gets killed:”
Here is the point – Richard Pryor and George Carlin both used humor to point out the cruelty of humanity. These videos were shocking to the sensibilities of America when first produced. The videos are perhaps more shocking today.
Barack Obama was in his teens when these videos were first made. He struggled with his identity – and fortunately for America and the world President Obama found himself.
Here is Richard Pryor on “Super NIgga.”