Rush Limbaugh is Imploding

Before the dawn of the flat screen television everyone used CRT’s (Cathode Ray Tubes). Before the dawn of the 2008 elections people listened to Rush Limbaugh. These two inventions of modern man are very similar. They are both filled with vacuums and when struck they implode.
Rush Limbaugh is imploding. Limbaugh’s biggest fan is DICK Cheney – what does that tell everyone? Cheney said he favors Limbaugh’s brand of the GOP more than he favors Colin Powell. More about that later – but for now we can note that Limbaugh is so lacking in substance that he has to dump on John McCain’s mother. Now there is a really important world issue, worthy of the GOP Base. Check him out:
Well, what a mature man. Does this behavior represent the sort of person the radical right arms themselves to follow. Limbaugh says that the GOP Mrs. McCain belongs to got shellacked in the last election. If memory serves us correctly, Limbaugh’s choice never made it through the primaries – and his nemesis, John McCain, was the Republican Party Nominee.
Rush Limbaugh sucked the life out of the Reagan Ideology. Brutally dragging the mantle of a legitimate leader into the gutters of hate and despair, Rush and his cohorts have twisted and distorted reason into book sales, advertising, government corruption, torture, war mongering, nation building, and finally economic despair for most Americans. Fanaticism is a human response to fear. And Rush Bin Laden took advantage of the fear.
Snake oil salesmen always have minor, localized success. They sell their poison to weary folks, desperate for a better live. They skip town and run to the next den of inequality to further poison the populace. As usual, the poisonous snake oil leaves the people dizzy and nauseous, their stomachs rumbling with the gas of rot and decay.
Ronald Reagan gained popularity by being steadfast in nobility, strong on morals, inclusive of all, and practical on important national issues. Reagan was a politician for sure – he knew when to cater to the voters. Rush and his cohorts missed the point of the Reagan Revolution. Ronald Reagan’s success was in his ability to maintain optimism while facing the demons of humanity. His eternal sense of optimism was based on hope for the future. Rush and the right wing wackos base their hopes on fear of the future.
The true Reagan Revolution is not over – but the distortion of the Reagan Revolution by Rush Limbaugh has run the course of an abusive relationship. Most of us will take some abuse, knowing that life is not always easy. The people of America are willing to sacrifice for the greater good. But the sickness of conservative abuse is the sickness of power and control, of selfishness, of righteousness, and ultimately reflects a self loathing so powerful that denial takes charge.
Rush is an egomaniac with an inferiority complex – it is the worst combination of disoriented personality traits in the human condition. His show will go on because there are sick people who cannot escape the torture of a brutal spouse. There are those so sick that they cannot disengage from insanity. It is what they know. The life they understand is rooted in angry chaos. Rush defines dysfunctional angry chaos.
Rush will have his subordinates, but he will never be a leader. To Rush – be whatever you want to be, subordinate others to fear and chaos – but the Reagan Revolution of Optimism has a new leader – his name is Barack Obama.
Ohg Rea Tone
Pingback by Posts about Rush Limbaugh as of May 14, 2009 » The Daily Parr on 14 May 2009:
[…] their beliefs and beginning to move toward a consensus with liberals as to the way forward. Esp Rush Limbaugh is Imploding – 05/14/2009 Before the dawn of the flat screen television everyone used […]
Comment by Karl on 30 January 2010:
Wishful thinking. You can’t call him the leader of the Republican party with 18,000,000 listeners, then dismiss him. Conservatives outnumber liberals by 2 to 1 in this country. They tune in because they want the conservative message: family, defense, fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility. You can’t get anything here but the usual sarcasm, elitism, and condescention.