Fifty Years Ago July 20, 1969 | The Fireside Post Fifty Years Ago July 20, 1969 | The Fireside Post
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Nancy Belle. I am a reader. Books have been my safe haven for a great part of my life. My children all marveled at my ability to shut everything out and escape the turmoil around me, just by picking up a book. Much of what I know about this world is from the written word. My education is much greater than what is shown on paper, simply because I can and love to read. Having come to my senior years I have stories to tell and opinions to share, hopefully for your pleasure or enlightenment. Yet, perhaps some may not be in agreement or find my stories boorish, that's alright, too. Here's to my exploring and finding my way, with words!

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Fifty Years Ago July 20, 1969

July 20 1969… I was not yet 21 years old, married, to my Husband David who was not yet 23, with a Son Thomas who was 9 months old. We lived in North St. Louis County, Normandy, MO in a rented house ($100 monthly rent) we shared with my Father in Law Thomas, 61 years and Brother in Law Donavan, 19 years. Staying with us that summer were my Brother Darroll and Sister Lola.

I knew about the space program and unlike other members of the family who were greatly interested, (one nick named their son ‘Sput’ for the Russian’s Sputnick). I was only mildly interested. Surviving life here on Earth took a great deal of my attention. I was pregnant once again, this time with a Daughter Rebecca, who was born the following December 1969. Yet, when it was REALLY about to happen, ‘The Moon Landing’, I was caught up along with the rest of America and the World, in this grand event our country was accomplishing.

John Young salutes American Flag

Watching the process unfold on TV was surreal. Hard to believe it wasn’t just another Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episode. Yet, I knew it was indeed real and I was frightened for our Astronauts and their safety. We watched every minute we could and caught up with evening news to see what we may have missed. We didn’t usually buy the newspaper except for Sunday’s edition, but we did for this event. I tried to save them and over the years and several moves, they were lost.

There was immediate backlash, regarding the validity of the event. It was Nationwide and the anger didn’t escape my home. My Father in Law, was adamant that is was not true. He believed it was staged somewhere in the desert. A farce just to compete with Russia and show how much greater we were.

Russia was our enemy,  a real threat in those days! Our countries were on the verge of Nuclear War, almost since the end of WWII. Cold War was perhaps even more intense than actually going at each other would have been. Well, anyway the Father in Law went to his grave believing our country had committed an unforgiveable sin and it was the Democrat’s fault.

So… Here we are 50 years later. Why did we stop the program and never go back? Surely there was much more we could have learned. We could have sent a rover, like we did to Mars, why didn’t we? We could have set up a communication station, or an eye in the sky. Even a grounded space station or scientific discovery pod such as we currently have in the Ant-artic where scientists spend months at a time. The information we could have had already, is now being searched out by those who have shady intent.

There is a caveat to be sure. That is… whether exploring the Moon extensively is a totally safe activity. Not for the humans, but for the Moon itself! Which ultimately leads to protecting our Earth and it’s inhabitants. We certainly don’t need an explosion (errant or purposely) causing a change

in the delicate dance our planet and it’s moon perform. Yes it would have to be a HUGE explosion, I know! Sadly, there are those mad scientists who would want to, just to see what would happen.

I don’t mind seeing a continuance of the Moon exploration. I just believe there should be a more regulated effort worldwide. Not, the haphazard events that are going on today. Today we are aiming for Mars with human explorers. A sacrifice mission, much as what Columbus’ men must have felt.

Moonwalk 50 year Anniversary @ WH

Buzz Aldrin recently visited with our President Trump and others to mark and celebrate this 50 year anniversary. Trump is more invested in a straight shot to Mars without involving the Moon. He has asked others what they think. Some agree with the President. Buzz Aldrin does not and tells the President…. “You’re impatient”. I am with Buzz Aldrin.

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