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All Posts Tagged With: "conservatives"

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Slavery Was Not About Race!

From my Father’s line I have a 5th Great Grandfather John Cooke. He along with Nellie (his future wife) were kidnapped from London, as young teens. Both were promised a fun day aboard a ship sailing down and back again on the Thames River. They never saw London or their families ever again. They were […]

25Jul2021 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Born White

I have lived going on 71 years. Life has been tough with most accomplishments, good or bad, having been a hard row to hoe. I can say, I never thought I would see the day that so many things that people do or claim to be, is because ‘They were born that way’. I’ve always […]

3Aug2019 | | 1 comment | Continued
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Constitutional Conservative is an Oxymoron

Our Founding Fathers were some of the most liberal people on the planet – then and now.  Consider the questions they had to ask, and their answers in the form of our Constitution.  Remember – they were forming a completely new government. Where shall power reside?  Three branches of government with checks and balances – […]

20Mar2014 | | Comments Off on Constitutional Conservative is an Oxymoron | Continued
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Conservatives Blame Solar Flares on God’s Anger

Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Pestilence, all products of an Angry God – determined to punish the United States of America for loathsome behavior.  I can hear it now.  Pat Robertson and Rick Santorum must be going crazy with delight. The latest round of Solar Flares are caused by God.  God does not like the way we […]

8Mar2012 | | Comments Off on Conservatives Blame Solar Flares on God’s Anger | Continued
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The Conservative Manifesto For American Bloodshed

The deceptive elements of evil are alive and well within the right wing conservative movement. These people worship at the alter of false Reaganism. They quote Reagan as an opponent of government, when the obvious fact is that Ronald Reagan was the head of the government. The right wing of the early 21st Century distorts the words of President Reagan to serve their own evil purpose. Ronald Reagan NEVER advocated an armed revolution against the United States of America.

29Apr2009 | | Comments Off on The Conservative Manifesto For American Bloodshed | Continued